Collegeville-Trappe High School Class of 1967
Jeanne D'Agostino (Lehman)
Then: Quiet ... neat as a pin ... always smiling ... "Hey Pat"

Now:Hi, everyone! Can't possibly be 50 years since we gathered together in cap and gown to face the great unknown of our futures!

While attending Messiah College near Harrisburg, PA, at the end of my Junior year, I met a guy who later became my husband of 37 years, and what a ride it was! Michael passed this earth over 9 years ago, leaving behind a legacy which includes our two lovely daughters. Natasha is a graphic designer by trade, as well as being an entrepreneur of designer ladies accessories on Amazon; Tiffany is a nurse, loves horses and owns a farm near Bloomsburg, PA. After living in Arizona for a few years, she returned to PA, where she reconnected with and later married her first boyfriend, George. They have one feisty 7 year old daughter.

Because my eldest sister and my brother and his family still live in the Trappe area, I frequently visit there. I look forward to seeing many of you at our 50th Reunion celebration.