Collegeville-Trappe High School Class of 1967
Gregory Cope
Then: Quick on the football field, slow in the halls ... wisecrack for every occasion ... Drives a mean Ford ...

Now: I retired after serving 34 years in the Coast Guard and I'm still married to my high school sweetheart, Dawn. After retiring, we returned to "Squirrel Hill" to restore the 1832 stone farmhouse where I grew up ... I still enjoy football, but only as a spectator! My sports interests have now shifted toward non-contact sports like bowling and golf ... My "mean Ford" has been replaced by a 1931 Model A Ford Coupe DeLuxe, a motorhome and a retro looking PT Cruiser... I am known as GramPa to 3 beautiful girls and they would probably attest to the fact that I still have a wisecrack for most occasions. I'm looking forward to seeing everyone in August.